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Why is Marketing Emotions, an Essential Digital Marketing Strategy? How to Do It?

Marketing Emotions

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Why is Marketing Emotions, an Essential Digital Marketing Strategy? How to Do It?

Instead of just focusing on technical skills and knowledge in digital transformation, understanding your audience’s emotional intelligence is one of the smartest marketing strategies. Triggering the emotional aspect of your customers is likely to lead to a greater attention and retention rate for your products or services.

Conventional digital transformation and marketing systems will lead to typical outcomes. How about trying something new? We all know marketing is about engaging with your audience, generating convertible leads, and driving sales. Instead of just focusing on technical skills and knowledge, understanding your audience’s emotional intelligence is one of the smartest marketing strategies. Leaders and marketers can’t just be book smart, they have to be people smart. They must know the art of vulnerability and empathy, building connections and real relationships.

According to a study by Psychology Today, “functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) shows that when evaluating brands, consumers primarily use emotions (personal feelings and experiences), rather than information (brand attributes, features, and facts).” Hence, triggering the emotional aspect of your customers is likely to lead to a greater attention and retention rate for your products or services.

Before understanding how emotional marketing works, you must know about the combination of emotions and colors. Robert Plutchik’s “Wheel of Emotions” is a perfect depiction of the emotional spectrum with colors. It indicates that emotions are like colors. Just like the slightest imbalance of any two colors can lead to the formation of a new one, similarly, even a tiny change on the spectrum can lead to a different kind of emotion.

Now that we know about the importance of emotions let’s understand how emotional marketing is one of the best digital marketing tactics.

Why is emotional marketing important?

Why emotional marketing important

Emotional marketing plays an essential role in boosting the marketing industry in the following ways.

  • It Makes Great First Impressions – Emotional marketing is a great tool to form an impression of your brand in your audience’s minds and make it stand out whether experimenting in the US or anywhere around the globe. First impressions are just a matter of seconds. Advertising in a way that makes your audience laugh, cry, or feel any emotion has the ability to create a more significant impact than just advertising your products or services.
  • It Influences Decisions – Emotional intelligence influences people to make decisions and pushes them towards the ‘buy’ phase of any product or service. You might compare prices and gain knowledge of the product, but you will likely rely much more on your heart than your brain for purchasing the product. According to research, out of 1400 successful advertising campaigns with pure emotional strategy, they performed twice as those with rational strategy.
  • It Makes Us Act and Connect – Emotional marketing helps build a stronger connection with your audience and lets you act accordingly. Happiness leads to greater sharing, hence promoting brand awareness. Sadness arouses empathy and makes people connect and help. Eliciting fear or surprise makes your brand the hero of the darker times. Last but not the least, anger and anxiety-initiating strategies lead to increased views of the content.

Emotional marketing strategies

As a leading digital transformation agency, that is impeccable when it comes to digital marketing, our marketing experts at SkyTrust have listed out the top 7 emotional marketing strategies to help you capture maximum audience attention toward your brand’s products and services.

  1. Know your Audience – Before starting with your emotional marketing campaigns, get to know your audience, their needs and requirements. Conduct intense target audience research to know what kind of emotions your audience is attracted to and curate your marketing campaigns accordingly. Focus on emotions that resonate with your audience’s pain points, dreams, or desires.
  2. Create an Essence of Inspiration – Create marketing campaigns that highlight an individual’s achievements and convince people that they could achieve the same by joining your brand and purchasing your products or services. You can also create campaigns depicting social injustice, environmental concerns, etc.
  3. Convince People to Convert Impossible into Possible – Instead of creating fake marketing campaigns, focus on marketing emotions that resonate with your audience and inspire them to set aspirations that can be fulfilled if they use your company’s products or services. Take help from some digital transformation and digital marketing experts in the US, like SkyTrust.
  4. Location-Based Marketing – It is one of the best ways to connect with your audience. You can create your marketing campaigns by targeting specific locations with which your audience has an emotional connection. You can sponsor local events, provide services to localities, and make people feel connected to your brand.
  5. Depict Life’s Journey – People often feel nostalgic when viewing advertisements depicting relatable life journeys. You can target major memorable events like birthdays, anniversaries, academic achievements, etc.
  6. Color Theory – Following the color theory for emotional marketing is a great way to grab your audience’s attention. Colors induce emotional essence and create a connection. For example, people connect with green color as something related to the environment and health awareness, red for love, etc.
  7. Tell a Story – Narrating an explanatory story about your products or services is more engaging than just a simple description. The story encourages people to participate and has more potential to grab the audience’s attention.

How to measure emotional marketing?

There isn’t anything different in measuring emotional marketing and other traditional marketing efforts. If anyone ever asks you, ‘What is emotional marketing?’ ensure to include checking the metrics as one of the key aspects of measuring their digital marketing success. Apart from keeping a check on the regular metrics through the usual marketing model (click-through, subscription, or purchase), marketers should also focus on holding manual analysis to know about their audience’s reactions.


You can consider holding surveys or providing users with feedback forms after your campaign launches. It has a better probability of getting genuine and real-time feedback. It can help you know about the weak points in your campaigns and improve upon them accordingly. This open-ended quantitative approach helps in capturing honest reactions from the audience. To make it happen at the earliest, join forces with SkyTrust, your digital transformation partner in the States. 

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